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Trademark Registration


Trademarks are regarded as one of a company’s most valuable intangible assets. Sometimes the whole value of the factory, investment equipment, products, supplies, and services is still less than the value of the enterprise’s brand names. As a result, trademark registration is not only a required and sufficient requirement for each item and service prior to entering the market, but it also serves as a foundation for the growth of the enterprise’s assets. The trademark of products and services is what buyers identify with the prestige, quality, and trust of a certain product or service. Because a trademark is a symbol used to distinguish one business unit’s goods and services from those of another.



Trademark registration in Vietnam is a legal procedure that involves applying to the National Office of Intellectual Property for the exclusive right to use a trademark or mark in a particular field(s) of products or services. The following steps are included in the trademark registration procedure: Execute the trademark search, Submit the trademark application. Keep track of the records, Granting a protection certificate or responding to a rejection notification Renewal of the trademark certificate is required.



Trademark registration in Vietnam must be done in accordance with the administrative processes approved and accepted by the NOIP. As a result, the trademark registration method involves the following phases:

Phase 1: Check for the possibility of trademark registration and guide to adjust the trademark in case it contains signs that are identical with registered one – 10 days

Phase 2: File the trademark application – 03 days

Phase 3: Follow up trademark registration records at the NOIP – 22 months

Phase 3: Grant protection certificate or respond to the refusal notification – 10 days

Phase 5: Renew the validity of the trademark registration certificate – 03 days

Engage our Trademark registration package from US$150



  • Provide legal assistance on trademark registration processes and requirements.
  • Providing advice on the possibility of trademark registration;
  • Free preliminary examination of the ability to register a trademark;
  • Intensive trademark search at the National Office of Intellectual Property — at your own expense;
  • Representing consumers for Trademark Registration and throughout the Trademark Registration procedure;
  • Documentation/dossiers for trademark registration;
  • Filing and monitoring the registration procedure, as well as application assessment at the National Office of Intellectual Property;
  • Customers are represented throughout the whole process of establishing rights and responding to formal contact with the National Office of Intellectual Property on trademark registration.
  • Providing information to consumers and exchanging information with them during the trademark registration process.